Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8439, aired 2021-07-08WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $400: The football penalty being signaled here has deemed your conduct to be this unsportsmanlike
#8439, aired 2021-07-08WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $800: This adverb means conducted at the same time simultaneously
#8439, aired 2021-07-08WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $1200: Done to prolong breathing & blood flow until medical help arrives, it's the "R" in CPR resuscitation
#8439, aired 2021-07-08WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $1600: Neil Armstrong got his degree in this type of engineering concerning all things aircraft related aeronautical
#8439, aired 2021-07-08WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $2000: A filmmaker such as D.A. Pennebaker or Alex Gibney a documentarian
#5655, aired 2009-03-20WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $200: The science of flight aeronautics
#5655, aired 2009-03-20WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $400: Arizona's Petrified Forest is mostly this type of tree that has 4 vowels in a row a sequoia
#5655, aired 2009-03-20WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $600: Shirley Hufstedler served under Jimmy Carter as the first Secretary of this department Education
#5655, aired 2009-03-20WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $800: This word comes from the French for "self-movable" automobile
#5655, aired 2009-03-20WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $1000: FEMA says to keep a full tank of gas in your car if this order seems likely evacuation

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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