Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8091, aired 2019-11-11 | WORDS THAT USE ALL 5 VOWELS $200: This adjective means showy & intended to impress ostentatious |
#8091, aired 2019-11-11 | WORDS THAT USE ALL 5 VOWELS $400: To inject someone with a small amount of a disease so that they can become immune to it to inoculate |
#8091, aired 2019-11-11 | WORDS THAT USE ALL 5 VOWELS $600: "Dancing Queen" can "feel the beat from" this instrument tambourine |
#8091, aired 2019-11-11 | WORDS THAT USE ALL 5 VOWELS $800: It sounds like you're writing a novel, but it means to empower or formally sanction an act authorize |
#8091, aired 2019-11-11 | WORDS THAT USE ALL 5 VOWELS $1000: Ecstatic happiness euphoria |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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