#4, aired 2022-10-16 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $200: The statue of this top Greek god at Olympia stood nearly 40 feet high & showed him seated on a gold- & jewel-encrusted throne Zeus |
#4, aired 2022-10-16 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $400: The only still-standing ancient wonder, they lie near Giza on a plateau on the Nile's west bank the pyramids |
#4, aired 2022-10-16 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $800: The temple of Artemis was wrecked by these invaders who sound like they were wearing black & listening to Joy Division the Goths |
#4, aired 2022-10-16 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $1,000 (Daily Double): The Pharos of Alexandria was one of these that stood on an island in the city harbor, with a fire lit at the top every night a lighthouse |
#4, aired 2022-10-16 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $1000: The ancient Greek Strabo said that this city's Hanging Gardens were watered from the Euphrates River Babylon |
#4439, aired 2003-12-18 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $400: It's estimated that the largest of these contains 2.3 million stone block, each averaging about 2.5 tons the Pyramids |
#4439, aired 2003-12-18 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $800: It's the only one of the ancient wonders that was located in present-day Iraq The Hanging Gardens of Babylon |
#4439, aired 2003-12-18 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $1200: This wonder depicted a sun god shading his eyes & gazing out across the Aegean Sea Colossus of Rhodes |
#4439, aired 2003-12-18 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $2,000 (Daily Double): Reportedly, a spiral ramp allowed wagons to carry fuel up to the constantly burning fire at its top the Lighthouse at Alexandria |
#4439, aired 2003-12-18 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $2000: Tools & molds used by Phidias to sculpt this wonder have been discovered at Olympia Statue of Zeus at Olympia |
#3588, aired 2000-03-22 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $100: They were ancient even before the other 6 wonders were built Pyramids |
#3588, aired 2000-03-22 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $200: Its flowers & trees were irrigated by slaves turning screws to lift water from the Euphrates River Hanging Gardens of Babylon |
#3588, aired 2000-03-22 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $300: This ancient wonder is said to have worn a sun-ray crown & stand beside, not over, a harbor Colossus of Rhodes |
#3588, aired 2000-03-22 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $400: Its light was created by fires of wood or oil intensified by several metal mirrors Lighthouse of Alexandria |
#3588, aired 2000-03-22 | THE 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $500: In the 4th century, this ancient wonder was transported from Olympia to Constantinople Statue of Zeus at Olympia |
#1858, aired 1992-10-07 | 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $200: Made of bronze & honoring the sun god Helios, it stood about 100 feet high in the harbor of a Greek island the Colossus of Rhodes |
#1858, aired 1992-10-07 | 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $400: To irrigate this ancient wonder, water from the Euphrates was pumped to the top of the hill the Hanging Gardens of Babylon |
#1858, aired 1992-10-07 | 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $600: It was the earliest built of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World the Great Pyramid |
#1858, aired 1992-10-07 | 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $800: Some sculptures from this marble tomb at Halicarnassus are in the British Museum in London the Mausoleum |
#1858, aired 1992-10-07 | 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD $1000: A fire burned day & night at the top of this ancient wonder the lighthouse at Alexandria |