Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9253, aired 2025-01-22 | WOMEN THROUGH THE YEARS $200: An 1857 poem about Florence Nightingale says, "In that house of misery / A lady with" this "I see / Pass through the glimmering gloom" a lamp |
#9253, aired 2025-01-22 | WOMEN THROUGH THE YEARS $400: While she was at Cornell, this future Supreme Court justice took Vladimir Nabokov's European lit class (Ruth Bader) Ginsburg |
#9253, aired 2025-01-22 | WOMEN THROUGH THE YEARS $600: Melanie Mark of Vancouver is the first female First Nations member in this province's legislature British Columbia |
#9253, aired 2025-01-22 | WOMEN THROUGH THE YEARS $800: A star sharpshooter in Wild West shows, she shot the ashes from a cigarette held by Germany's future Kaiser Wilhelm Annie Oakley |
#9253, aired 2025-01-22 | WOMEN THROUGH THE YEARS $1000: In 2013 this early cosmonaut said she'd like to go to Mars, even if it were a one-way trip Tereshkova |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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