Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5575, aired 2008-11-28WOMEN "R" US $200: In 1983 this California girl became the first American woman in space Sally Ride
#5575, aired 2008-11-28WOMEN "R" US $400 (Daily Double): In 2007 this Brit ranked as the second-richest woman in entertainment after Oprah J.K. Rowling
#5575, aired 2008-11-28WOMEN "R" US $600: In 2002 this former attorney general ran for governor of Florida Janet Reno
#5575, aired 2008-11-28WOMEN "R" US $800: Corrine is the given name of this ABC & NPR correspondent (Cokie) Roberts
#5575, aired 2008-11-28WOMEN "R" US $1000: This symbolic woman was on the cover of the May 29, 1943 Saturday Evening Post Rosie the Riveter

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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