Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4133, aired 2002-07-17WILSON'S 14 POINTS $400: 8. Captured territories must be returned to this country, s'il vous plait France
#4133, aired 2002-07-17WILSON'S 14 POINTS $800: 12. Turkey had to get its independence from this empire the Ottoman Empire
#4133, aired 2002-07-17WILSON'S 14 POINTS $1200: 6. Any foreign interference in this country's affairs would be un-bear-able Russia
#4133, aired 2002-07-17WILSON'S 14 POINTS $2000: 14. (Last, but not least) an international organization must be created & this one was the League of Nations
#4133, aired 2002-07-17WILSON'S 14 POINTS $5,000 (Daily Double): 11. Political & economic independence for this peninsula's nations the Balkan nations

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