Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9170, aired 2024-09-27 | WILD LINES $200: "Why do you lead me" on one of these ridiculous quests, an unhappy Sancho Panza asks Don Quixote a wild goose chase |
#9170, aired 2024-09-27 | WILD LINES $400: Buffalo Bill met the Queen of England "at the door of the box, with my sombrero in my hand and welcomed her to" this place the Wild West |
#9170, aired 2024-09-27 | WILD LINES $600: In a 1964 Caldecott Medal winner, young Max cries, "Let the wild" this "start!" rumpus |
#9170, aired 2024-09-27 | WILD LINES $800: In the Old Testament an angel tells Hagar that she will bear a son who "will be a wild man" & that she should call him this Ishmael |
#9170, aired 2024-09-27 | WILD LINES $1000: "None of nature's landscapes are ugly so long as they are wild", this environmentalist wrote in 1898 Muir |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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