Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9252, aired 2025-01-21WILD CARD WINNERS $200: In 2001 Goran Ivanisevic needed a wild card entry to qualify for this tournament but went on to win the gentlemen's singles Wimbledon
#9252, aired 2025-01-21WILD CARD WINNERS $400: No wild card team has ever won this trophy, but in 2017 the Nashville Predators became the first to make it to the Finals the Stanley Cup
#9252, aired 2025-01-21WILD CARD WINNERS $600: 2023 saw an all-wild card World Series, with the Texas Rangers rounding up these snakes the Arizona Diamondbacks
#9252, aired 2025-01-21WILD CARD WINNERS $800: The 1997 Denver Broncos won a wild card game, 2 more playoff games & then Super Bowl 32 behind this Hall of Fame QB Elway
#9252, aired 2025-01-21WILD CARD WINNERS $1000: North Korea's Kye Sun-hui used a wild card entry to the 1996 Atlanta Games & some nifty trips & throws to win gold in this sport judo

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