Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5025, aired 2006-06-16WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA $400: The Who's Who 60, an all-time list in the 60th Edition, incudes this "aviator, b. Detroit, Feb. 4, 1902" Charles Lindbergh
#5025, aired 2006-06-16WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA $800: Some new 2006 names are "Jeopardy!" champ Ken Jennings & this first skateboarder to do "the 900" trick Tony Hawk
#5025, aired 2006-06-16WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA $1200: He listed himself in Who's Who as an "electrician"--guess inventing the incandescent bulb qualifies Edison
#5025, aired 2006-06-16WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA $2000: This famous man's entry features his 1960-62 chairmanship of the Sumter County, Georgia school board Jimmy Carter
#5025, aired 2006-06-16WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA $2,400 (Daily Double): Once the youngest person ever listed, she's still in the 2006 edition, now as "former ambassador" Shirley Temple Black

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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