Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8026, aired 2019-07-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $200: Me-ouch! It's the implement seen here cat o' nine tails |
#8026, aired 2019-07-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $400: Nuclear fission is an example of this type of self-sustaining process a chain reaction |
#8026, aired 2019-07-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $600: With pathologist Howard Florey, biochemist Ernst Chain isolated & purified this antibiotic for general clinical use penicillin |
#8026, aired 2019-07-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $800: Whip & hip whip are maneuvers in this sport portrayed in the movie "Whip It" roller derby |
#8026, aired 2019-07-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $1000: Bitcoin uses this technology as its transaction record blockchain |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $100: It's a group of convicts linked together for outdoor labor a chain gang |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $200: Used for flogging, it's a whip with 9 knotted cords fastened to a handle Cat o' Nine Tails |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $300: The group who sang the 1980 hit heard here: ["Whip It"] Devo |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $400: House leadership position held by Republican congressman Tom DeLay at the start of 1997 majority whip |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | WHIPS & CHAINS $500: Flexible armor composed of small, overlapping metal rings chain mail |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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