Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3497, aired 1999-11-16WHILE YOU'RE ON HOLD $100: On hold with a dating service, you might hear this Sinatra classic "Strangers In The Night"
#3497, aired 1999-11-16WHILE YOU'RE ON HOLD $200: A bad gardener's hold music could be this song "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"
#3497, aired 1999-11-16WHILE YOU'RE ON HOLD $300: Worry if your cardiologist's hold music is this song "Achy Breaky Heart"
#3497, aired 1999-11-16WHILE YOU'RE ON HOLD $400: Hearing this song while on hold might give you a mysterious itch "Poison Ivy"
#3497, aired 1999-11-16WHILE YOU'RE ON HOLD $500: Maybe you'll hear this song if you call after business hours "It's Too Late"

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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