Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8750, aired 2022-11-25WHETHER YOU'RE A BROTHER OR WHETHER YOU'RE A MOTHER $200: Rumer, Scout & Tallulah Willis are daughters to this "G.I. Jane" (Demi) Moore
#8750, aired 2022-11-25WHETHER YOU'RE A BROTHER OR WHETHER YOU'RE A MOTHER $400: Last name of acting bros Chris & Liam; Woody Harrelson only realized they were brothers while being interviewed with Liam Hemsworth
#8750, aired 2022-11-25WHETHER YOU'RE A BROTHER OR WHETHER YOU'RE A MOTHER $600: In 2019 this trio of sibs topped the Billboard 200 with "Happiness Begins" the Jonas Brothers
#8750, aired 2022-11-25WHETHER YOU'RE A BROTHER OR WHETHER YOU'RE A MOTHER $800: Billie Eilish & her brother & collaborator have both dropped the last name O'Connell; he just goes by this name now Finneas
#8750, aired 2022-11-25WHETHER YOU'RE A BROTHER OR WHETHER YOU'RE A MOTHER $1000: On the Netflix show "Maid" Andie MacDowell plays the mom of this real-life actress daughter Margaret Qualley

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