Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (7 results returned)

#5307, aired 2007-10-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $400: Chinese or Malay: This tomato condiment that's put on French fries ketchup
#5307, aired 2007-10-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $800: Latin: This device you open when it's precipitating an umbrella
#5185, aired 2007-03-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $200: We got the word bock (as in beer) from this language German
#5185, aired 2007-03-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $400: Bandha, or "tie", is a yoga method to lock in one's breath & also gave us this word for an accessory we tie & wear a bandana
#5185, aired 2007-03-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $600: The name of this plumlike tree fruit is related to the Cree word pasiminan, meaning "dried fruit" the persimmon
#5185, aired 2007-03-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $800: A Middle English word for a fishhook gives us this word for the peaceful practice of hook-&-line fishing angling
#5185, aired 2007-03-09WHERE WORDS COME FROM $1000: This fabric is named for a Belgian town, & a bag (now usually canvas) is named for it duffel

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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