Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8435, aired 2021-07-02WHAT A FUNGI $400: These prized edible fungi come from the genus Tuber truffles
#8435, aired 2021-07-02WHAT A FUNGI $800: A fungus is the culprit in white nose syndrome, killing more than 6 million of these animals in North American caves bats
#8435, aired 2021-07-02WHAT A FUNGI $1200: A type of rust that infects this beverage crop was discovered in Africa around 1870 & kept out of Brazil for a century coffee
#8435, aired 2021-07-02WHAT A FUNGI $1600: The giant type of this mushroom is named for the way it releases spores; it can contain 7 trillion puffball
#8435, aired 2021-07-02WHAT A FUNGI $2000: LSD was created from this fungal disease of cereals known to create its own hallucinations ergot

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