Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#6440, aired 2012-09-21 | WHALE-WATCHING IN BAJA $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from a boat off the coast of Baja California in Mexico.) Flipper-slapping & tail-slapping are types of behavior on display during these rituals for cetaceans in Baja's breeding grounds mating |
#6440, aired 2012-09-21 | WHALE-WATCHING IN BAJA $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from a raft off the coast of Baja California in Mexico.) Gray whales calve in Baja's warm waters where foes are few; babies learn to swim in these isolated bodies of shallow water whose name is from the Latin for "lake" lagoon |
#6440, aired 2012-09-21 | WHALE-WATCHING IN BAJA $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from a raft off the coast of Baja California in Mexico.) Cetaceans have been known to go without sleep for a month after giving birth; moms watch out for predators, & the calves' constant motion allows them to stay warm until they get their first layer of this blubber |
#6440, aired 2012-09-21 | WHALE-WATCHING IN BAJA $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew touches a whale from a boat off the coast of Baja California in Mexico.) These crustaceans on whales aren't parasites because they don't derive nutrition from the whales; they're just along for the ride barnacles |
#6440, aired 2012-09-21 | WHALE-WATCHING IN BAJA $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from a boat off the coast of Baja California in Mexico.) During the impressive display known as this, whales jump out of the water & turn on an axis before landing breach |
#4167, aired 2002-10-15 | WHALE WATCHING $400: Experts can identify whale species by the shape & height of water vapor expelled through these apertures blowholes |
#4167, aired 2002-10-15 | WHALE WATCHING $800: These thin plates that hang from the upper jaw of the bowhead whale may reach a length of 13 feet baleen |
#4167, aired 2002-10-15 | WHALE WATCHING $1200: This term refers to whales leaping out of the water & falling back with a big splash breaching |
#4167, aired 2002-10-15 | WHALE WATCHING $1,500 (Daily Double): This substance from the intestines of sperm whales is still used as a fixative for expensive perfumes ambergris |
#4167, aired 2002-10-15 | WHALE WATCHING $2000: This Arctic whale has only 2 teeth; the left one in males may grow to 9 feet narwhal |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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