Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3677, aired 2000-09-05WELL-SEASONED NAMES $200: She rose to fame in the early '50s with the song "Come On-A My House" Rosemary Clooney
#3677, aired 2000-09-05WELL-SEASONED NAMES $400: This actor, often a villain in '30s movies, is best remembered as a British detective in films of the '40s Sir Basil Rathbone
#3677, aired 2000-09-05WELL-SEASONED NAMES $600: The heartthrob seen here sings lead for this group: [Mark McGrath] Sugar Ray
#3677, aired 2000-09-05WELL-SEASONED NAMES $800: First name of Sylvester Stallone's son, who played Rocky Jr. in "Rocky V" Sage
#3677, aired 2000-09-05WELL-SEASONED NAMES $1000: Last name of Nick, who buys a house in West Egg & becomes fascinated by "The Great" Jay Gatsby Nick Carraway

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