Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8662, aired 2022-06-14WELL, IT'S 5 FOR THE MONEY $200: This British monetary term dates back to around 775, when 240 coins were minted from this much weight in silver the pound
#8662, aired 2022-06-14WELL, IT'S 5 FOR THE MONEY $400: Ben Franklin was in profile, not facing forward, on the 1st Federal Reserve note for this amount of money when it was issued in 1914 the $100 bill
#8662, aired 2022-06-14WELL, IT'S 5 FOR THE MONEY $600: In 1897 Russia went to a gold standard in switching this monetary unit from silver to gold the ruble
#8662, aired 2022-06-14WELL, IT'S 5 FOR THE MONEY $800: Long after telling "The Tale of Genji" in one of the world's oldest novels, Murasaki Shikibu graced the 2,000-this note yen
#8662, aired 2022-06-14WELL, IT'S 5 FOR THE MONEY $1,000 (Daily Double): Oklahoma's Wilma Mankiller, the 1st female principal chief of this Native American nation, appeared on a U.S. quarter in 2022 the Cherokee

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