Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#6800, aired 2014-03-21WELCOME TO T.G.I. FRIDA'S $400: We recommend the Diegordo buritto, named for this man who married Frida Kahlo twice Diego Rivera
#6800, aired 2014-03-21WELCOME TO T.G.I. FRIDA'S $800: The MOMA tomato salad recalls a museum in this city, where Frida first showed in 1942 & where her work still hangs New York City
#6800, aired 2014-03-21WELCOME TO T.G.I. FRIDA'S $1600: The caviar enchilada is our tribute to Frida's affair with this revolutionary (Leon) Trotsky
#6800, aired 2014-03-21WELCOME TO T.G.I. FRIDA'S $2000: Sip a Noguchi-chi, named for Frida's lover Isamu Noguchi, best known as this type of 3-dimensional artist a sculptor

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