Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6294, aired 2012-01-19WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II $400: The British A22 Mark IV tank carried a 75-millimeter gun & this prime minister's name Churchill
#6294, aired 2012-01-19WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II $800: Ships in the U.S. Navy's Casablanca class of "escort" these were smaller than their big cousins like the Lexington aircraft carriers
#6294, aired 2012-01-19WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II $1200: Today, this Japanese car company makes the Galant; in WWII, it was better known for its A6M "Zero" fighter Mitsubishi
#6294, aired 2012-01-19WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II $1600: It was the alphanumeric designation of the U.S. Army's Garand rifle the M1
#6294, aired 2012-01-19WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II $2000: "Hefty" nickname of the second & last atomic bomb used during the war Fat Man

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5620, aired 2009-01-30WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II: This nickname given a bomber at a 1935 test flight reflected the early belief that it wouldn't need fighter protection the Flying Fortress

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