Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9250, aired 2025-01-17WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $200: The Mandan of the Plains had it good when this animal provided food, robes & much more; here, they honor it with a dance a buffalo (or bison)
#9250, aired 2025-01-17WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $400: Things got better for Kyiv in 1019 as Yaroslav, bearer of this sagacious nickname, took over from Svyatopolk the Accursed as prince Yaroslav the Wise
#9250, aired 2025-01-17WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $600: The 17th century is called this awesome time for the Dutch, also the title of a 1605 painting of a time when sweet nectar flowed the Golden Age
#9250, aired 2025-01-17WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $800: The area around Butte, Montana once yielded half the nation's output of this metal used in telephone wires copper
#9250, aired 2025-01-17WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $1,200 (Daily Double): The late 1200s was the heyday of this northwest Italian seaport, including a victory over Venice at the Battle of Curzola Genoa

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