Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9247, aired 2025-01-14WE'RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES $400: Half-horseman, pass by! Hercules killed Nessus, this type of creature, but Nessus' blood would later prove fatal to our boy a centaur
#9247, aired 2025-01-14WE'RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES $800: Hercules labor-ed to catch the mad bull who fathered the Minotaur with King Minos' wife on this island Crete
#9247, aired 2025-01-14WE'RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES $1200: Hercules spent a year trying to capture this creature of Arcadia, sacred to Artemis, who was less than pleased a (Arcadian) stag
#9247, aired 2025-01-14WE'RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES $2000: Hercules had to go on a mythological panty raid to relieve this warrior queen of the fierce Amazons of her girdle Hippolyta
#9247, aired 2025-01-14WE'RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES $4,600 (Daily Double): Hercules had a hand in the Trojan War, as his slaying of Laomedon made this man Troy's king Priam

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