Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#8958, aired 2023-10-25WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $200: Under the Brooklyn Bridge the East River
#8958, aired 2023-10-25WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: Beneath the Bay Bridge in Maryland: This bay the Chesapeake
#8958, aired 2023-10-25WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $600: Under the Petofi Bridge in Budapest: This river the Danube
#8958, aired 2023-10-25WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Beneath the Rialto Bridge in Venice: This busy waterway the Grand Canal
#8958, aired 2023-10-25WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1,000 (Daily Double): Beneath the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon: This River the Tagus
#8647, aired 2022-05-24WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $200: This river flows under the Arlington Memorial Bridge the Potomac
#8647, aired 2022-05-24WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: In this U.S. state the Mackinac Bridge spans the straits of the same name Michigan
#8647, aired 2022-05-24WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $600: The bridge & train seen here are crossing this Thai river made famous by a 1952 novel & a 1957 movie the River Kwai
#8647, aired 2022-05-24WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Venezuela's Angostura Bridge crosses this vital river the Orinoco
#8647, aired 2022-05-24WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1000: Germany's Magdeburg Water Bridge helps boats cross this river that begins & ends with the same vowel the Elbe River
#8158, aired 2020-02-12WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: Beneath the Mark Twain Memorial Bridge in Hannibal, Missouri the Mississippi
#8158, aired 2020-02-12WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Below New York City's George Washington Bridge the Hudson
#8158, aired 2020-02-12WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1,200 (Daily Double): Beneath the Ponte Sant'Angelo, commissioned by Hadrian the Tiber
#8158, aired 2020-02-12WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1600: Below the Newport Pell Bridge, featured on the Rhode Island state quarter Narragansett Bay
#8158, aired 2020-02-12WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $2000: Beneath the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon the Tagus
#7102, aired 2015-06-30WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $200: Under the 6th October Bridge in Cairo the Nile
#7102, aired 2015-06-30WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: Beneath the Newport pell bridge in Rhode Island (a bay) Narragansett Bay
#7102, aired 2015-06-30WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $600: Beneath the Arpad Bridge in Budapest the Danube
#7102, aired 2015-06-30WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Under Blackfriars Bridge the Thames
#7102, aired 2015-06-30WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1000: Beneath the Quebec Bridge the Saint Lawrence
#6100, aired 2011-03-04WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $200: Under the Hernando De Soto Bridge in Memphis: this river the Mississippi
#6100, aired 2011-03-04WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: Beneath the Bay Bridge in Maryland: this bay the Chesapeake
#6100, aired 2011-03-04WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Beneath the Rialto Bridge in Venice: this busy waterway the Grand Canal
#6100, aired 2011-03-04WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1,000 (Daily Double): Under the Petofi Bridge in Budapest: this river the Danube
#6100, aired 2011-03-04WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1000: Beneath the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon: this river the Tagus
#5380, aired 2008-01-18WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $200: Beneath the Tower Bridge in London: this river the Thames
#5380, aired 2008-01-18WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $400: Beneath Patna's Mahatma Gandhi Bridge: this river the Ganges
#5380, aired 2008-01-18WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $600: Under the Brooklyn Bridge: this river the East River
#5380, aired 2008-01-18WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $800: Beneath the Tacoma Narrows Bridge: this inlet Puget Sound
#5380, aired 2008-01-18WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE $1000: Under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge: this bay Tampa Bay

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