Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)
#8438, aired 2021-07-07 | WALL-TO-WALL $400: An Aug. 12, 1961 decree by the Volkskammer, or "peoples' chamber", led to the construction of this barrier the Berlin Wall |
#8438, aired 2021-07-07 | WALL-TO-WALL $800: At the eastern end of the Great Wall of China, the Tiger Mountain section gives tourists a glimpse into this country North Korea |
#8438, aired 2021-07-07 | WALL-TO-WALL $1200: Sycamore Gap is pretty as a picture, breaking up the tableau of this British wall named for a Roman Hadrian's Wall |
#8438, aired 2021-07-07 | WALL-TO-WALL $2000: The site seen here is known as Great this, a name that replaced Rhodesia Zimbabwe |
#8438, aired 2021-07-07 | WALL-TO-WALL $3,000 (Daily Double): It's the only remaining structure of the Second Temple of Jerusalem the Western Wall (the Wailing Wall) |
#7229, aired 2016-02-04 | WALL-TO-WALL $400: The Whitney Peak Hotel in Reno is home to America's tallest one of these walls--race you to the top a rock-climbing wall |
#7229, aired 2016-02-04 | WALL-TO-WALL $800: Checkpoint Charlie was a crossing point in this wall the Berlin Wall |
#7229, aired 2016-02-04 | WALL-TO-WALL $1200: The men in the photo are praying before this wall the Western Wall |
#7229, aired 2016-02-04 | WALL-TO-WALL $1600: Inscribed with more than 58,000 names, this D.C. memorial is sometimes referred to as "The Wall" the Vietnam Veterans Memorial |
#7229, aired 2016-02-04 | WALL-TO-WALL $3,600 (Daily Double): A national trail in England follows the line of this historic wall from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway Hadrian's Wall |
#5713, aired 2009-06-10 | WALL TO WALL-E's $400: Tenders of an apiary beekeepers |
#5713, aired 2009-06-10 | WALL TO WALL-E's $1200: Title for Billy Graham, Jesse Jackson or Sun Myung Moon Reverend |
#5713, aired 2009-06-10 | WALL TO WALL-E's $1600: 8-letter synonym for "anytime" whenever |
#5713, aired 2009-06-10 | WALL TO WALL-E's $2,000 (Daily Double): Georgia did it in January 1861; Venezuela did it in 1829 secede |
#5713, aired 2009-06-10 | WALL TO WALL-E's $2000: Surname of Christopher Hewett's TV housekeeper character, or a popular Polish vodka Belvedere |
#45, aired 1984-11-09 | WALL TO WALL $100: John Boy lived on it Walton Mountain |
#45, aired 1984-11-09 | WALL TO WALL $200: A small kangaroo a wallaby |
#45, aired 1984-11-09 | WALL TO WALL $300: Jerusalem landmark, remaining part of the Holy Temple the Wailing Wall |
#45, aired 1984-11-09 | WALL TO WALL $400: He said, "The time has come to talk of many things" the Walrus |
#45, aired 1984-11-09 | WALL TO WALL $500: Bob and Ray character, winner of over 7 international diction awards Wally Ballou |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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