Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8, aired 2023-05-12W-2 $200: To literally or figuratively cover over the flaws, perhaps not in a good way whitewash
#8, aired 2023-05-12W-2 $400: A highlight of New Zealand's Waitomo caves is a boat ride to a grotto lit by these creatures glowworms
#8, aired 2023-05-12W-2 $600: If you want to be fancy about it, a tailcoat can have this longer name that fits the category a swallowtail
#8, aired 2023-05-12W-2 $800: It's the name for that extra toenail on your dog's foot a dewclaw
#8, aired 2023-05-12W-2 $1000: Peter Buxtun vis-à-vis the Tuskegee syphilis study a whistleblower
#8497, aired 2021-10-26FILL OUT YOUR "W"2 $200: It's the "W" in WPA, an act protecting federal employees who disclose information about abuse of authority or mismanagement whistleblower
#8497, aired 2021-10-26FILL OUT YOUR "W"2 $400: Clumsy & ungainly are synonyms for this word that can be an adjective or an adverb awkward
#8497, aired 2021-10-26FILL OUT YOUR "W"2 $600: A boxer who can be no more than 147 pounds a welterweight
#8497, aired 2021-10-26FILL OUT YOUR "W"2 $1000: The old job on the left gave us this last name of the man on the right Wainwright
#8497, aired 2021-10-26FILL OUT YOUR "W"2 $2,000 (Daily Double): A lawyer in court using this 2-syllable word is basically saying, "Forget what I just said" withdrawn
#7045, aired 2015-04-10BETTER FIND THAT "W" 2 $200: This interjection can be a verb meaning to thrill wow
#7045, aired 2015-04-10BETTER FIND THAT "W" 2 $400: Rewarding or beneficial; your correct response makes it all... worthwhile
#7045, aired 2015-04-10BETTER FIND THAT "W" 2 $600: On or toward the lee side downwind
#7045, aired 2015-04-10BETTER FIND THAT "W" 2 $800: Deglutition is the process of doing this, perhaps hundreds of times a day swallowing
#7045, aired 2015-04-10BETTER FIND THAT "W" 2 $1000: Aloof, or removed from circulation, your honor withdrawn

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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