Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9218, aired 2024-12-04VERY DEMURE, VERY MINDFUL $200: It precedes "& proper" in an idiom describing one shocked by rude behavior prim
#9218, aired 2024-12-04VERY DEMURE, VERY MINDFUL $400: Don't add an E to the end of this synonym for mindful; you'd be an unlawful crime-stopper, which is too much minding vigilant
#9218, aired 2024-12-04VERY DEMURE, VERY MINDFUL $600: It often precedes a demure "bride" & also comes before "like a rose" in a Dean Martin song blushing
#9218, aired 2024-12-04VERY DEMURE, VERY MINDFUL $800: Meaning pretend shy & often found after "playing", it describes the person here coy
#9218, aired 2024-12-04VERY DEMURE, VERY MINDFUL $1000: This 2-word French term means fully informed & up-to-date au courant

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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