Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4940, aired 2006-02-17VERTEBRATES $200: In the N. American species of this mammal, there are hundreds of microscopic barbs at the end of each quill the porcupine
#4940, aired 2006-02-17VERTEBRATES $400: Known as a whooper, it's the tallest North American bird, reaching a height of nearly 5 feet a whooping crane
#4940, aired 2006-02-17VERTEBRATES $600: When rainbow species of this migrate to the sea, their color changes to silver; they're then called steelheads trout
#4940, aired 2006-02-17VERTEBRATES $800: The golden species of this small rodent is often sold as a pet because it's clean & easy to care for a hamster
#4940, aired 2006-02-17VERTEBRATES $1000: The Yapok, a species of this native to Central & South America, is the only marsupial adapted to living in water an opossum

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