Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8794, aired 2023-01-26VENOMOUS CREATURES $400: Researcher Jack Barnes figured out this marine creature causes the agony of Irukandji syndrome by having one sting himself & his son a box jellyfish
#8794, aired 2023-01-26VENOMOUS CREATURES $800: The world's most venomous fish is the stonefish named for this environment where it likes to hide, as you can see by its coloration a reef
#8794, aired 2023-01-26VENOMOUS CREATURES $1200: The Mexican beaded lizard sort of chews venom into you as it comes from the venom type of these structures, modified salivary ones glands
#8794, aired 2023-01-26VENOMOUS CREATURES $1600: Entomologist & pain scale creator Justin Schmidt says a sting by this colorful wasp feels like W.C. Fields putting out a cigar on your tongue a yellowjacket
#8794, aired 2023-01-26VENOMOUS CREATURES $2000: Deriving its name from a country in Western Africa, this viper can weigh about 20 pounds & has the longest fangs of any snake a Gaboon viper

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