Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3224, aired 1998-09-17 | VAULT DISNEY $200: It's the title mode of transportation for 1928's "Willie" steamboat |
#3224, aired 1998-09-17 | VAULT DISNEY $400: It's the first name of either of the 2 "Rescuers" Bernard & Bianca |
#3224, aired 1998-09-17 | VAULT DISNEY $600: King Louie is the scatting leader of the monkeys in this 1967 animated film The Jungle Book |
#3224, aired 1998-09-17 | VAULT DISNEY $800: Before Mickey, one of Walt's successful creations was this "Lucky Rabbit" Oswald |
#3224, aired 1998-09-17 | VAULT DISNEY $1000: If we're heading through "The Black Hole", it's with this Austrian-born actor who played evil Dr. Reinhardt Maximilian Schell |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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