Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (21 results returned)

#8159, aired 2020-02-13SE"V"EN-LETTER WORDS $400: "Any port in a storm" is a popular one a proverb
#8159, aired 2020-02-13SE"V"EN-LETTER WORDS $800: A brewski in Barcelona a cerveza
#8159, aired 2020-02-13SE"V"EN-LETTER WORDS $1200: Pickles or ice cream for expectant mothers, for example craving
#8159, aired 2020-02-13SE"V"EN-LETTER WORDS $1600: A high-ranking college officer a provost
#8159, aired 2020-02-13SE"V"EN-LETTER WORDS $2000: Here's a musician, probably Handel, at this, the 18th century word for any keyboard a clavier
#6136, aired 2011-04-25"V" 8-LETTER WORDS $200: It's a synonym for speed velocity
#6136, aired 2011-04-25"V" 8-LETTER WORDS $400: Prohibited, German style verboten
#6136, aired 2011-04-25"V" 8-LETTER WORDS $600: Word for word verbatim
#6136, aired 2011-04-25"V" 8-LETTER WORDS $800: Revenge, Italian style, especially between families vendetta
#6136, aired 2011-04-25"V" 8-LETTER WORDS $1000: When you make an active decision, you do it of your own this volition
#5913, aired 2010-05-05"V" LIKE 7-LETTER WORDS $200: Crayolas & Band-Aids come in this kind of pack that gives you lots of choice variety
#5913, aired 2010-05-05"V" LIKE 7-LETTER WORDS $400: A person who preys ruthlessly upon others, or Anne Rice's Lestat vampire
#5913, aired 2010-05-05"V" LIKE 7-LETTER WORDS $600: You're like this scavenging bird seen here vulture
#5913, aired 2010-05-05"V" LIKE 7-LETTER WORDS $800: After it dries, this leaves a hard, glossy coating on wood varnish
#5913, aired 2010-05-05"V" LIKE 7-LETTER WORDS $1000: It means boldly courageous or brave, as in a comic strip prince valiant
#3789, aired 2001-02-08"V" WORDS $100: It's the 6-letter "V" word for what Lance's bird, seen here, is about to do vanish
#625, aired 1987-05-01"V" WORDS $100: From Latin for "vow", these small candles are used in private devotions votive candles
#625, aired 1987-05-01"V" WORDS $200: A hobo's "crime" of having no permanent address or visible means of support vagrancy
#625, aired 1987-05-01"V" WORDS $300: Subtitle of this 1958 hit was "Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu" "Volare"
#625, aired 1987-05-01"V" WORDS $400: British noble rank that is above a baron & below an earl a viscount
#625, aired 1987-05-01"V" WORDS $500: The fabric or wooden hanging that covers top of a drape, or Gene Pitney's "Liberty" valance

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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