Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8502, aired 2021-11-02UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $400: If you're this type of "shirt", you're pompous or inflexible stuffed
#8502, aired 2021-11-02UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $800: There's a double "L" in the middle of this adjective meaning morose or gloomily silent sullen
#8502, aired 2021-11-02UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $1200: It describes someone of grace & refined taste, or a mathematical proof that's simple & ingenious elegant
#8502, aired 2021-11-02UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $1600: Sorry if you're this 10-letter adjective that's derived from the Latin for "teary" lachrymose
#8502, aired 2021-11-02UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $4,100 (Daily Double): Meaning snakelike as an adjective, it refers to a green mineral as a noun serpentine
#6689, aired 2013-10-17UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $200: The Postal Service suggests putting this word on that package of glass unicorn figurines fragile
#6689, aired 2013-10-17UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $400: Characterized by meddlesome curiosity, perhaps like the Charles Schulz dog of the same name snoopy
#6689, aired 2013-10-17UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $600: Ladies, according to the title of a 1963 book, you have this type of mystique feminine
#6689, aired 2013-10-17UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $800: Adjective for bad behavior found in "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" naughty
#6689, aired 2013-10-17UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $3,000 (Daily Double): Cheerful, or tending to float in a fluid buoyant
#4675, aired 2004-12-24UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $200: Carly Simon knows "your'e so" this, you probably think this clue is about you vain
#4675, aired 2004-12-24UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $400: It borders the fairway on a golf course; as an adjective it can also mean coarse rough
#4675, aired 2004-12-24UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $600: Corpulent, or the last name of the creator of the corpulent Nero Wolfe stout
#4675, aired 2004-12-24UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $800: An angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180, it's "not sharp" obtuse
#4675, aired 2004-12-24UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES $1000: In titles of famous novels, it precedes "and the Dead" & "Lunch" naked

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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