Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $200: A 1947 headline read that a rancher from this state was "surprised at all the excitement created by his 'disc'overy" New Mexico
#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $400: A title for an "Ancient Aliens" episode is this agricultural formation "Code" Crop Circle
#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $600: It's no small thing that Tom DeLonge of this pop-punk band was mentioned during a congressional hearing about UFOs Blink-182
#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $800: In 2019 memes sent hundreds into the desert to try to get a close encounter & "see them aliens" at this Nevada military facility Area 51
#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $1000: A History Channel show dramatized the story of this real-life U.S. Air Force "Project" that investigated UFOs Project Blue Book

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