Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4931, aired 2006-02-06U.S. WINTER OLYMPIANS $400: Mike Eruzione of Winthrop, Mass. was captain of the miraculous 1980 Olympic team in this sport hockey
#4931, aired 2006-02-06U.S. WINTER OLYMPIANS $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew puts some lines on the ice in the Olympic Oval rink at Park City, UT.) In 1998, this U.S. skater was 2nd at Nagano; in 2002, she was 3rd here in Utah Michelle Kwan
#4931, aired 2006-02-06U.S. WINTER OLYMPIANS $1200: Life has its ups & downs for Travis Mayer, a 2002 medalist in the event named for these little hills on the slopes moguls
#4931, aired 2006-02-06U.S. WINTER OLYMPIANS $1600: In 2002 Vonetta Flowers & Jill Bakken won gold in the 2-woman version of this high-speed sport the bobsled
#4931, aired 2006-02-06U.S. WINTER OLYMPIANS $2000: His "Bode" of work includes 2 Alpine skiing silver medals in 2002 Bode Miller

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