Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4916, aired 2006-01-16TWAIN TWIP $200: Mark Twain was born in Florida--Florida, Missouri that is--& moved with his family to this town in 1839 Hannibal
#4916, aired 2006-01-16TWAIN TWIP $400: In the titles of 2 of Twain's travel books, it follows "The Innocents" & "A Tramp" Abroad
#4916, aired 2006-01-16TWAIN TWIP $600: Twain once defined this type of book (& he wrote several) as one "which people praise and don't read" a classic
#4916, aired 2006-01-16TWAIN TWIP $800: As he predicted he would, Twain died in 1910, a year in which this appeared, just as it did in 1835 when he was born Halley's Comet
#4916, aired 2006-01-16TWAIN TWIP $1000: Twain wrote of how the "Maid of the Mist descends the fearful rapids" in a piece called "A Visit to" this place Niagara Falls

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