Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4037, aired 2002-03-05TV STARS ON BROADWAY $400: In 2000 this "Three's Company" star seen here made an acclaimed Broadway debut in "The Dinner Party" John Ritter
#4037, aired 2002-03-05TV STARS ON BROADWAY $800: In May 2001 Eric McCormack of "Will & Grace" willed himself to play professor Harold Hill in this musical revival "The Music Man"
#4037, aired 2002-03-05TV STARS ON BROADWAY $1600: Once a Duke of Hazzard on TV, Tom Wopat is heard here on the 1999 cast album of this Broadway revival: "Anything you can be, I can be greater / Sooner or later, I'm greater than you..." "Annie Get Your Gun"
#4037, aired 2002-03-05TV STARS ON BROADWAY $2,000 (Daily Double): You could say that playing Murray in the 2001 revival of "A Thousand Clowns" was this actor's "Magnum" opus Tom Selleck
#4037, aired 2002-03-05TV STARS ON BROADWAY $2000: This star of TV's "Alice" earned critical raves for the hit comedy "The Tale of the Allergist's Wife" Linda Lavin

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