Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6857, aired 2014-06-10TV & MOVIE SCHOOLS $400: The emphasis is on spell-ing for Harry Potter & the gang at Hogwarts school of these 2 things wizardry & witchcraft
#6857, aired 2014-06-10TV & MOVIE SCHOOLS $800: On this sitcom Gabe Kaplan's teacher character went back to Buchanan High, his Brooklyn alma mater Welcome Back, Kotter
#6857, aired 2014-06-10TV & MOVIE SCHOOLS $1200: We'll put you on double secret probation if you don't know Faber College was the setting for this comedy film Animal House
#6857, aired 2014-06-10TV & MOVIE SCHOOLS $1600: The historically black school of Hillman College was at the center of this spinoff sitcom A Different World
#6857, aired 2014-06-10TV & MOVIE SCHOOLS $2000: On "Glee", music's in the air at this Ohio high school that bears a presidential name McKinley High

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