Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9226, aired 2024-12-16TV FOURSOMES $400: Creator Lena Dunham starred as Hannah, one of a Brooklyn foursome of friends in this series Girls
#9226, aired 2024-12-16TV FOURSOMES $800: Sophia & Dorothy, mother & daughter, were half of the quartet of a certain age in this 1985 to 1992 sitcom The Golden Girls
#9226, aired 2024-12-16TV FOURSOMES $1200: They became a foursome when Bliss joined Bubbles, Blossom & Buttercup the Powerpuff Girls
#9226, aired 2024-12-16TV FOURSOMES $1600: On this show, 20 years after being a one-hit wonder, the four surviving members of an all-female group take a second shot at fame Girls5eva
#9226, aired 2024-12-16TV FOURSOMES $2000: A quartet of female journalists cover the fictional Walker vs. Garrett presidential campaign in this 2024 Max series Girls on the Bus

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