Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (19 results returned)

#8512, aired 2021-11-16TV CRIME FAMILIES $200: After the original Fat Tony dies on a Season 22 episode of this show, his cousin Fit Tony becomes the new Fat Tony The Simpsons
#8512, aired 2021-11-16TV CRIME FAMILIES $400: In a memorable episode of "The Sopranos", Tony finds some unfinished business on a college tour with this daughter Meadow
#8512, aired 2021-11-16TV CRIME FAMILIES $600: In 2020 Chris Rock played Loy Cannon, head of a crime family on this drama that despite its title was set in Kansas City Fargo
#8512, aired 2021-11-16TV CRIME FAMILIES $800: On this acclaimed drama, the Barksdale family ran a drug racket on the streets of Baltimore The Wire
#8512, aired 2021-11-16TV CRIME FAMILIES $1000: Jax struggled with his stepdad Clay for control of the title biker gang on this FX drama Sons of Anarchy
#2800, aired 1996-11-01TV FAMILIES $100: Jock, Miss Ellie, J.R., Bobby, Lucy the Ewings
#2800, aired 1996-11-01TV FAMILIES $200: Morticia, Gomez, Pugsley, Wednesday, Grandmama the Addams family
#2800, aired 1996-11-01TV FAMILIES $300: John, Olivia, Erin, Elizabeth, Ben, Jason, Mary Ellen, Jim-Bob, John-Boy the Waltons
#2800, aired 1996-11-01TV FAMILIES $400: Shirley, Keith, Laurie, Danny, Chris, Tracy the Partridge family
#2800, aired 1996-11-01TV FAMILIES $500: Sheriff Andy, Opie, Aunt Bee Taylor (from "The Andy Griffith Show")
#2718, aired 1996-05-29TV FAMILIES $100: Ozzie, Harriet, David, Ricky the Nelsons
#2718, aired 1996-05-29TV FAMILIES $200: Herman, Lily, Eddie, Marilyn the Munsters
#2718, aired 1996-05-29TV FAMILIES $300: Mike, Carol, Marcia, Jan, Cindy, Greg, Peter, Bobby the Bradys
#2718, aired 1996-05-29TV FAMILIES $400: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Little Joe the Cartwrights
#2718, aired 1996-05-29TV FAMILIES $500: Ward, June, Wally, Theodore Cleaver
#181, aired 1985-05-20TV FAMILIES $100: Bret, Bart, Beau & Brent the Mavericks
#181, aired 1985-05-20TV FAMILIES $200: She was Letitia Lawrence on "Family" but we knew her better as "Buddy" Kristy McNichol
#181, aired 1985-05-20TV FAMILIES $300: Though we never met his father, this doctor from Maine read dad's letters to B.J. & us Hawkeye Pierce
#181, aired 1985-05-20TV FAMILIES $400: Of Cagney, Lacey, Hardcastle & McCormick the one with a regularly seen TV family Lacey

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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