Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8894, aired 2023-06-15TV CRIMINALS $400: On this show, Piper Chapman was originally sentenced to 15 months at Litchfield Prison Orange is the New Black
#8894, aired 2023-06-15TV CRIMINALS $800: The villainous Supe Homelander on this series is the leader of the Seven, a group of some not-so-super heroes The Boys
#8894, aired 2023-06-15TV CRIMINALS $1200: Stringer Bell studied macroeconomics while managing West Baltimore drug dealers on this show The Wire
#8894, aired 2023-06-15TV CRIMINALS $1600: In "The Company You Keep", this actor seen here plays Charlie, a con man in love with a CIA agent Milo Ventimiglia
#8894, aired 2023-06-15TV CRIMINALS $2000: Mr. Scratch is a villain who first appeared in season 10 of this CBS series set at the B.A.U. Criminal Minds

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