Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6159, aired 2011-05-26TURN OF THE CENTURY MOVIES $400: In a northern England mining town, a young boy takes up ballet dancing Billy Elliot
#6159, aired 2011-05-26TURN OF THE CENTURY MOVIES $800: Policeman Ichabod Crane is sent to a small town to investigate a series of decapitations Sleepy Hollow
#6159, aired 2011-05-26TURN OF THE CENTURY MOVIES $1200: A young cop works with rogue detective Denzel Washington on the narcotics beat in Los Angeles Training Day
#6159, aired 2011-05-26TURN OF THE CENTURY MOVIES $1600: A research chemist appears on a "60 Minutes" expose of the tobacco industry The Insider
#6159, aired 2011-05-26TURN OF THE CENTURY MOVIES $2000: 2 warriors seek the Green Destiny, a stolen ancient sword Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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