Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9223, aired 2024-12-11TRUE TALES OF TRANSPORTATION $200: "The Boys in the Boat" is the saga of a U.S. rowing team winning gold at the 1936 Olympics in this city Berlin
#9223, aired 2024-12-11TRUE TALES OF TRANSPORTATION $400: A riveting minute-by-minute account, Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" reignited interest in this disaster the sinking of the Titanic
#9223, aired 2024-12-11TRUE TALES OF TRANSPORTATION $600: Thor Heyerdahl wrote of sailing the Kon-Tiki across the Pacific & a small craft named for this Egyptian sun god across the Atlantic Ra
#9223, aired 2024-12-11TRUE TALES OF TRANSPORTATION $800: Piers Paul Read's "Alive" is the true story of a plane crash & its survivors' fight for life in these mountains the Andes
#9223, aired 2024-12-11TRUE TALES OF TRANSPORTATION $1000: Jessica Bruder traveled the U.S. in a van named "Halen", writing the book called this "land" that inspired an Oscar-winning film Nomadland

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