Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6862, aired 2014-06-17TRUE RELIGION $200: In the Sahara desert, this Islamic house of worship may be no more than a semicircle of stones a mosque
#6862, aired 2014-06-17TRUE RELIGION $400: At this event, Jesus handed a cup to his disciples, saying, "Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood" The Last Supper
#6862, aired 2014-06-17TRUE RELIGION $600: The Inari shrines of this religion are usually guarded by statues of foxes Shinto
#6862, aired 2014-06-17TRUE RELIGION $800: In the 19th century members of this celibate religion created a type of circular saw & invented the clothespin the Shakers
#6862, aired 2014-06-17TRUE RELIGION $1000: Now a saint, she founded the first free Catholic school for girls in America Elizabeth Ann Seton

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