Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7147, aired 2015-10-13TRUE BLOOD $200: The pigment that transports oxygen in the blood, it is in the red blood cells & gives blood its red color hemoglobin
#7147, aired 2015-10-13TRUE BLOOD $400: The solid parts of blood--the red & white blood cells & platelets--are suspended in this, the liquid portion plasma
#7147, aired 2015-10-13TRUE BLOOD $600: An old test for this infection "kissing disease" used a sample of the patient's blood, mixed with that of a sheep mononucleosis
#7147, aired 2015-10-13TRUE BLOOD $1000: Large numbers of abnormal white blood cells multiply out of control & do not fight infection in this disease leukemia
#7147, aired 2015-10-13TRUE BLOOD $2,000 (Daily Double): Some kinds of white blood cells produce these, proteins that destroy bacteria, viruses & other invaders antibodies

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