Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2748, aired 1996-07-10TRICOLOR FLAGS $200: This European country's green, white & red flag was featured at the 1994 World Cup finals Italy
#2748, aired 1996-07-10TRICOLOR FLAGS $600: You'll find yellow between blue & red on the flag of this country between Spain & France Andorra
#2748, aired 1996-07-10TRICOLOR FLAGS $800: The red, white & blue on this grand duchy's flag comes from its coat of arms Luxembourg
#2748, aired 1996-07-10TRICOLOR FLAGS $1000: Egypt, Iraq & Yemen have stripes of red, white & this color black
#2748, aired 1996-07-10TRICOLOR FLAGS $1,600 (Daily Double): Reverse the order of Ivory Coast's orange, white & green flag & you'll get this other "I" country's flag Ireland

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