Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9031, aired 2024-02-05TRICKS OF THE SHOW BIZ TRADE $400: For an acting scene where you find out your grandma, dog & dreams are all dead, menthol applied under the eye will help you do this cry
#9031, aired 2024-02-05TRICKS OF THE SHOW BIZ TRADE $800: Post-pandemic, these have moved from in person with casting directors to self-tapes; always shoot yourself horizontally auditions
#9031, aired 2024-02-05TRICKS OF THE SHOW BIZ TRADE $1200: To learn this basic circus skill, remember: if you start to lose your balance, lifting one leg can actually help tightrope walking
#9031, aired 2024-02-05TRICKS OF THE SHOW BIZ TRADE $1600: Film composers sync their scores using this measurement that's also big in EDM; 60 goes well with a slow scene, 140 is more pumped BPM (beats per minute)
#9031, aired 2024-02-05TRICKS OF THE SHOW BIZ TRADE $2000: The tracks this producer lays down with help from Team Timbo often start with him simply makings sounds with his mouth Timbaland

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