Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6241, aired 2011-11-07TREASURES OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY $400: This man slept here--no, really--during the Revolutionary War Washington
#6241, aired 2011-11-07TREASURES OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY $800: John J. Audubon never made it to California; he painted this vulture species from a dead specimen a California condor
#6241, aired 2011-11-07TREASURES OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY $1200: John Jay's "In Relation to Foreign Nations" is one of just four extant manuscripts in the series known as these "Papers" The Federalist Papers
#6241, aired 2011-11-07TREASURES OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY $1600: New York City is the finish line of the 73-step board game called "Round the World with" this adventuress Nellie Bly
#6241, aired 2011-11-07TREASURES OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY $2000: In November of 1776 more than 700 New Yorkers loyal to Britain signed what's known as the "Declaration of" this Dependence

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