Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9223, aired 2024-12-11 | TOUGH 4-LETTER WORDS $400: Meaning to sharpen with a whetstone, it also refers to perfecting any craft hone |
#9223, aired 2024-12-11 | TOUGH 4-LETTER WORDS $800: Found in front of many a restaurant's name, it means "at the house of" in French chez |
#9223, aired 2024-12-11 | TOUGH 4-LETTER WORDS $1200: From Latin, it's a beginner or novice in learning something a tyro |
#9223, aired 2024-12-11 | TOUGH 4-LETTER WORDS $1600: Alphabetically between pier & slip is this synonym, perhaps at a port a quay |
#9223, aired 2024-12-11 | TOUGH 4-LETTER WORDS $2000: This synonym of joke begins & ends with the same letters as joke jape |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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