Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3959, aired 2001-11-15 | TO "L" AND BACK $100: Defame a liberal with a bad label in an article & you may be sued for this libel |
#3959, aired 2001-11-15 | TO "L" AND BACK $200: Over half of the garbage produced in the U.S. will wind up in one of these landfill |
#3959, aired 2001-11-15 | TO "L" AND BACK $300: (Sofia of the Clue Crew throws a football across to Jimmy as they both run the field.) It's the pass seen here lateral |
#3959, aired 2001-11-15 | TO "L" AND BACK $400: The first wet dock in Britain was built in this city back in 1715 Liverpool |
#3959, aired 2001-11-15 | TO "L" AND BACK $500: Last name of poet Amy & her astronomer brother Percival Lowell |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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