Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $200: 2001: Will Smith pulled no punches Ali
#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $400: 2001: Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Ben Stiller, Luke Wilson & Gwyneth Paltrow--The "fun" in dysfunctional The Royal Tenenbaums
#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $600: 1956: Yul Brynner & Deborah Kerr, etc., etc., etc. The King and I
#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $800: 1971: Bud Cort & Ruth Gordon in a May-December romance Harold and Maude
#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $1000: Robin Williams cures with comedy Patch Adams
#3663, aired 2000-07-05TITLE FILM FOLK $200: "Evita" (1996) Madonna
#3663, aired 2000-07-05TITLE FILM FOLK $400: "Erin Brockovich" (2000) Julia Roberts
#3663, aired 2000-07-05TITLE FILM FOLK $600: "Selena" (1997) Jennifer Lopez
#3663, aired 2000-07-05TITLE FILM FOLK $800: "Shaft" (1971) Richard Roundtree
#3663, aired 2000-07-05TITLE FILM FOLK $1000: "Pat and Mike" (1952) Spencer Tracy & Katharine Hepburn
#3613, aired 2000-04-26TITLE FILM FOLK $100: "The Hurricane" (1999) Denzel Washington
#3613, aired 2000-04-26TITLE FILM FOLK $200: "The Talented Mr. Ripley" (1999) Matt Damon
#3613, aired 2000-04-26TITLE FILM FOLK $300: "Doctor Zhivago" (1965) Omar Sharif
#3613, aired 2000-04-26TITLE FILM FOLK $400: "Emma" (1996) Gwyneth Paltrow
#3613, aired 2000-04-26TITLE FILM FOLK $500: "Anna and the King" (1999) Jodie Foster & Chow Yun-fat

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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