Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8705, aired 2022-09-23TINY 3-LETTER WORDS $200: Musically, it precedes Wayne & Uzi Vert Lil
#8705, aired 2022-09-23TINY 3-LETTER WORDS $400: The Havanese & the Brussels Griffon are part of this tiny dog group the toy
#8705, aired 2022-09-23TINY 3-LETTER WORDS $600: A synonym for a magical creature like a pixie, it can also refer to a mischievous person an imp (elf)
#8705, aired 2022-09-23TINY 3-LETTER WORDS $800: A brief period, or an item straight from the horse's mouth a bit
#8705, aired 2022-09-23TINY 3-LETTER WORDS $1000: This quick dance move using your arms was popularized by Migos & Cam Newton a dab

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