Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $200: Think your vote doesn't count? An 1882 congressional race was won 10,505 votes to this 10,504 |
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $400: A 1965 act says, "No voting qualification... shall be imposed" so as to deny anyone a vote based on this race |
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $600: North Dakota is the only state that doesn't require voters to do this; rural folks know who's qualified register |
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $800: The 19th century ballot pre-printed by political parties was called this, as in "voting the straight" one the ticket |
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $1000: The machine seen here from this arboreal-named Florida County was part of the election mess of 2000 Palm Beach County |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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